New Music coming soon!
(Feat. Lish Lindsey) (2024)
Feat. Marcel Krasner (Cello) and Eni Karahoda (Flute). (2022).
Feat. Martyna Kučinskaitė (2022).
Premiered at Brooklyn College (2019).
Premiered at Brooklyn College (2019).
Feat. Brianna Matzke at the online 'Cortona Sessions' (2020).
Feat Ayumi Ishito (2020).
Feat Ayumi Ishito.
Feat. Desiree Jaiman.
Part 1 of a larger instrumental work
Penultimate movement from a large scale song cycle for voice and piano. The rhapsody for solo piano consists of variations on the previous songs in the cycle and the reactions to them. The rhapsody additionally presents material that will be featured in the finale.
Midi mockup. Drum breaks occur from 2:54 - 3:03. Drum solo occurs from 3:08 - 3:13 (should take around 45 seconds when performed live)